This page lists by-laws which the committee has made, as allowed for by the Constitution, §65 By-laws.
Adopted at committee meeting of 2023-07-22.
The Artifactory does not have any facilities for disposing of hazardous waste.
Do not put hazardous waste in the rubbish bins or skip bins on the premises.
You must correctly dispose of all hazardous waste that you are responsible for.
If you -
- leave hazardous waste on the premises, or
- dispose of hazardous waste incorrectly,
you will be liable for the Association's reasonable costs incurred to dispose of the waste correctly.
Last modified at the committee meeting 2020-01-11.
- Any money received by the Artifactory as a donation must go into the "Perth Artifactory - Donations" account.
- Types of money donations may be "General Donations", "Sponsoring a Member Donation", "Event/Workshop Support Donation", "Specified Equipment/Venue enhancements"
- If the donor wishes to remain anonymous (meaning not thanked publicly), it shall be recorded in TidyHQ and the Secretary informed.
- Shall only be used for the Equipment/Venue Enhancements or held until direction for use is given by the Committee. (This allows the Treasurer to draw funds from general donations for equipment and venue enhancements as approved as by the Committee.)
- Shall be used for the purpose of the Specified Equipment/Venue enhancements.
- If the Committee is satisfied that cause of the donation has completed the purpose, leftover monies can be treated as a general donation.
- Funds can only be used to Sponsor Associate Memberships if the Membership Classification allows it.
- The process as to who receives the sponsored membership is through a committee selected member panel who will choose sponsored members from a publicly advertised process on the Artifactory website.
- If any panel member has a close connection to an individual applying, they must excuse themselves from the selection panel.
- The Artifactory Committee as part of the constitution still has to accept the nominated Associate Membership like any membership.
- Shall be used for the purpose of supporting the event/workshop
- Cannot be treated as a donation if an individual or group that runs the event/workshop benefits financially from the event/workshop.
- If the Committee is satisfied that cause of the donation has completed the purpose, leftover monies can be treated as a general donation
Defined at committee meeting 2019-08-24.
- That the Artifactory acknowledges the NeverNever as unallocated membership paid in-advance and is non-refundable.
- The Treasurer has Committee approval to reduce NeverNever balances in exchange for membership when the bank account has a healthy balance and the owner of the NeverNever gives consent.
- That the NeverNever cannot be added to, except at a Committee Meeting.
Defined at committee meeting 2018-09-29.
- A record of who has Physical Keys + Safe Access to the Artifactory shall be maintained in TidyHQ by the Secretary.
- The Safe Combination must be updated as a minimum within one month after of any AGM by the Treasurer and the Combination must be provided to the new Committee
- The Committee allows the Office Bearers of the Association to give selected Artifactory members the safe access code if it is to assist with functioning of the Artifactory and to assist Office Bearers perform their function. Should any person be granted access, the Secretary must be informed. (Reasoning - is to allow for cash to be made secure when no Committee member is present for events that make significant cash, or allow a member to assist with giving out new RFID keys, etc)
Last modified at committee meeting 2019-06-22.
The rehearsal room can be used on a casual basis:
- Groups come through on a per session trial basis under supervision of a Rehearsal Room Coordinator or Management Committee member
- 3 hour cut off limit unless otherwise arranged
- Regular price: $40/session
- Where at least 50% of the group hold ordinary (full/concession) Artifactory memberships: $20/session
Last modified by online motion, documented at committee meeting 2024-11-16.
- All members may apply to the committee for 24/7 access to the space. The committee will approve the application provided that the member -
- Has held their current membership for at least two weeks,
- Has not acted against the interests of the Association,
- Pays a bond appropriate to their membership class,
- Has no outstanding invoices,
- Pays their membership invoices via bank transfer (not card),
- Is competent to make decisions on who can enter the space, and
- Has demonstrated an ability to -
- Work unsupervised,
- Undertake tasks safely,
- Clean their work area, and
- Communicate any issues to committee.
- 24/7 access may be revoked at the discretion of the committee should any of the above no longer be true.
- When a member moves to a different membership class the bond amount shall be the lesser of the classes
- Members requesting keys must submit a head/shoulders photo suitable for identification purposes. The Secretary or Treasurer may rule that a provided picture does not meet these requirements at their discretion.
- The member must maintain accurate personal and emergency contact details in the Artifactory's member management system (e.g. TidyHQ) at all times.
- The Chair, Treasurer and any two other committee members may waive the bond if it is considered beneficial to the Artifactory to do so. The decision must be documented at the next regular committee meeting.
- Bond amounts are as follows:
Membership |
Bond |
Full Membership |
$225 |
Concession Membership |
$135 |
Band Membership |
$100 |
Sponsored Student Membership |
$135 |
Resident Artist - NoizeMaschin!! |
$0 |
The Ambassador! |
$0 |
Defined at committee meeting 2018-09-01.
- RFID Keys are allowed to be given to non-members IF
- it is to facilitate the running of a regular workshop (after it has been run a couple of times)
- approved by 3 committee members
- on the condition that keys are only to be used for the workshop (not general admittance) unless they are member
Adopted at committee meeting 2021-01-10.
While persons under the age of 18 can attend the space there are certain restrictions in place to protect everyone involved.
It is the responsibility of the guardian to ensure that the supervised child is:
- following all appropriate safety requirements
- not endangered by the tool use of members and attendees.
- not interfering with members and attendees
Please note: regardless of any alcohol supply laws guardians can not provide alcohol to minors on Artifactory property.
Must be actively supervised in the following areas:
- Rehearsal Room
- Electronics Lab
- Machining Bay
- Welding Bay
- Project Area - Active use
- Machine Room
- Laser Area
- Rear Courtyard - Active use
Can be left in the following areas provided that the supervising guardian can see the child:
- Social Area
- Design Lab
- Project Area - Passive use
- Rear Courtyard - Passive use
- Kitchen
¶ Minors 13 and over
Must be actively supervised in the following areas:
- Machining Bay
- Welding Bay
- Machine Room
Can be left in the following areas provided that the supervising guardian can see the teen:
- Laser Area
- Electronics Lab
- Rehearsal Room
- Social Area
- Design Lab
- Project Area - Passive use
- Project Area - Active use
- Rear Courtyard - Passive use
- Rear Courtyard - Active use
- Kitchen
- Active use: Power tools, spray paint, hot works, or other dangerous activities are occurring. Members or attendees using either the courtyard or project area may change the status of the area to Active Use at their discretion to reflect any issues that may be caused by an unsupervised minor in that area. (Painting miniatures, wet paint etc)
- Passive use: Where none of the above apply
- Actively supervised: The guardian must be physically present in the area and able to intervene to enforce their responsibilities as guardian
Adopted at committee meeting XXXX-XX-XX.
Persons authorised by the equipment loan agreement may sign on behalf of the Association.
¶ Policies and Guidelines
Adopted at committee meeting: 2019-06-22.
The Perth Artifactory uses social media to:
- Raise awareness of the Artifactory brand, offerings and events,
- Inspire creativity, stimulate curiosity, empower others to make stuff,
- Promote an inclusive makerspace environment and encourage people to join the community.
Our online presence can be used to help spread awareness and extend our reach. Posts to social media should support the objectives of the organisation with consideration to how these messages will be received by the community and its impact on the Artifactory sustainable social licence to operate.
The Perth Artifactory and social media accounts are run by volunteers who give their time to support the space. Social media guidelines are not intended to make posting more difficult, but as a layer of protection to identify any risks and resolve them before posting, and to know when to seek approval from the Committee. The list below, while not comprehensive, is intended as a checklist to consider the potential impacts before posting to social media. If a post raises any concerns from the list, the poster should contact a committee member, to review the content and get approval before posting.
- Safety: Could anyone hurt themselves doing this? Is there a disclaimer to warn of risks? (i.e. Do not try this at home). Is everyone following correct safety procedures? (e.g. using appropriate PPE, observing fire hazards etc.).
- Intellectual Property: Who has rights over this? Who owns or contributed? Is it a fair representation of work, credit given to creator(s). Has an applicable copyright been invoked? Is any artwork being modified or destroyed? Has the creator consented to modifications?
- Individuals and Groups: Does the post refer to anyone (by name or implied), or a group, demographic or identity? Has the individual or group given consent, or would they feel comfortable being associated with the Artifactory?
- Photography and Video: Permission of subjects to release, including parent or legal guardian for minors.
- General: Would you be happy if this post went viral (received a lot of attention)? Does this represent the objectives of the Artifactory? If you were contacted to investigate the post, would you be happy to answer questions about it?
Adopted at committee meeting: 2019-11-02.
This policy applies to any project undertaken by Artifactory members for the purpose of improving the space that requires Artifactory committee approval for funding or space usage. It does not apply to projects undertaken by a Subcommittee.
Funding proposals should include the following:
- Project Lead: Member who is undertaking or coordinating the project works.
- Committee Correspondent: Committee Member tasked with ensuring the committee is updated at regular meetings (This may be the same Member as Project Lead).
- Specialist Correspondent: The Committee may appoint another member who is known to have skills within the area of the project to verify viability if the committee cannot determine this within their own skill set
- Benefit to the Artifactory: This is the project sales pitch. Present to the committee why they should invest in your idea.
- Funds Requested: Estimated amount required to complete the project.
- Scope of Work: Details on what work will be done and what impact that will have on the Artifactory. (Should include expected disruptions to normal Artifactory operations)
- Timeframe to completion: Include expected completion date and/or milestones
- Deliverables: Completed project as defined by the scope of works
- Sufficient documentation to allow a competent member to administer the system
- Suitable documentation and training to allow another skilled member to maintain the system in the event that Project Lead ceases to be a member