These are the by-laws governing storage in the space.
By-laws are made by the committee, as allowed for rule 65 of the Constitution regarding By-laws.
One of the objects in our constitution is -
[to] provide work space, storage, and other resources for the creative and artistic use of technology;
We have to balance our available space between work space and storage space.
This by-law defines policies and procedures which maintain that balance.
- To clearly distinguish work spaces from storage spaces.
- To fairly allocate available storage space.
- To define procedures for disposing of materials when necessary.
Unless the contrary intention appears, all terms are as defined as in the Constitution, and the following:
- "Artifactory" means the Association.
- "We" or "us" means the Association, committee members, and any officer or subcommittee member authorised to act on behalf of the committee.
- "You" means a member or former member of the Association.
- "Property" means any property, goods, materials, etc. that belong to a member or former member of the Association.
- "Premises" means any of the physical premises of the Association.
You store your property at the Artifactory at your own risk.
Storage at the Association's premises is subject to -
- These by-laws, and
- Any specific agreement made between you and the Association.
We may, at any time, inspect anything you have stored on the Association's premises ---
- To assess compliance with these by-laws.
- If we believe that your property may pose an imminent risk to safety and health.
Members whose class of membership includes storage entitlements are allowed to:
- Store their property in their own individual member storage space, subject to availability; and
- Store material on the material racks; and
- Temporarily store their property in general workspaces - see workspace usage.
Members who store their property at the premises must follow these storage by-laws.
Members who repeatedly violate the storage by-laws may have their storage entitlements revoked.
Individual member storage spaces include:
- Lockers - various locations:
- Under pallet racking.
- Kitchenette area.
- Outside electronics lab.
- Pallet racking - bottom two shelves (four shelves total), divided into six spots per shelf.
We will assign you a single one of these storage spaces, if you request one, and if one is available. If the type of storage you request is not available, we will add you to a waiting list, on a "first come, first served" basis.
You must keep your storage space tidy and safe at all times.
Each storage space is marked with a unique identifier, which must not be removed. You may add your own tag if you want to.
You may request to change your assigned storage space. If approved, you will be given 7 days to move your property from your old storage space to your new storage space.
There are two racks for members to store sheet materials.
You must clearly mark each sheet with:
- Your full name, e.g. "Jane Doe".
- Initials e.g. "JD" are not acceptable.
- The full date, e.g. "31/01/2022", when the material was stored.
- Shortened dates, e.g. "31/01", are not acceptable.
- You may update the date on your material.
Sheets must:
- Be at least A3 size, with skeletons removed.
- Not exceed 900 x 1,200 mm in size.
You may store up to:
- 10 sheets; or
- 100mm total thickness of sheets,
whichever limit is reached first.
You can keep materials on the rack for up to three months after the date marked on the sheet.
We may issue you with a Direction to remove property to remove any materials which:
- Are out of date; or
- Are bigger than 900 x 1,200 mm; or
- Exceed the number or thickness of sheets allowed.
We will give you 28 days to either a) comply with these requirements, or b) remove the materials.
The following will be treated as donations to the Artifactory as soon as they are found:
- Any material not marked with the owner's full name.
- Any material less than A3 size, with skeletons removed.
While you are actively working on a project ---
- Your property may occupy up to 3 trestle tables' worth of work space; however
- Scheduled events have priority for usage of the work space.
If you need to leave a project in the work space ---
- You leave your property unattended at your own risk.
- You may leave your property in the work space for up to three days.
- You must prominently label your property with your name, contact details, and intended pickup date.
- Your property may occupy up to one trestle table's worth of work space.
- Your property must be left in a safe and movable state, in case your property needs to be moved for a scheduled event.
Scanning your RFID key on the kiosk, in the foyer, will print a "Storage Auth" ticket with your details already filled in.

You may request additional pallet rack storage, on the upper pallet racks out of arm's reach, subject to ---
- Availability; and
- Written approval from the committee; and
- A fee of $60 per month for each half of a pallet rack shelf, paid in advance.
We may revoke any such arrangement if we need the storage space for our purposes. We will give you a Direction to remove property with 28 days notice if this occurs.
The car park cannot be used for storage of anything at any time.
REASON: Our City of Stirling planning approval states -
No goods or materials being stored, either temporarily or permanently, in the car parking or landscaped areas or within access driveways.
All goods and materials are to be stored within the buildings or storage yards, where provided;
We may require you to remove your property from the premises ---
- If your property is unsafe or stored unsafely.
- If your property is stored contrary to the storage by-laws.
- When your membership ends.
- In accordance with any agreement we have made with you, such as an equipment loan agreement.
We must give you a written notice (a direction to remove property) which states ---
- What property you must remove.
- Why we need you to remove it.
- When you must remove it by.
The notice must include a link to the storage by-laws.
We must provide you with reasonable access to your property so that you can remove it from the premises.
¶ Lost and found
Where property is found ---
- In the general work space, and the owner of the property is not known; or
- In an individual member storage area which is not allocated to any member (i.e. which should be empty);
We will hold that property for 7 days.
We may dispose of property ---
- Which remains on the Association's premises after the stated date on a Direction to remove property.
- Which remains unclaimed after the period stated in the section Lost and found.
- Which poses an imminent risk to safety and health, immediately after we become aware of the risk.
We may dispose of such property in any way we see fit, including (but not limited to) ---
- Treating the property as a donation to the Artifactory.
- Sending or delivering the property to your recorded address at your cost.
- Disposing of the property as waste.
We are entitled to recover our reasonable costs associated with the disposal of your property.
¶ Exceptions and individual arrangements
The committee may grant exceptions to these storage by-laws, or individual arrangements for storage, on a case by case basis.
Any such arrangement must be approved in writing by the committee, and recorded in the minutes of the next committee meeting.
A re-drafting of this bylaw was proposed on 2023-07-16.
The current version of this bylaw was approved by the committee on 2023-11-25.
- Use plain English.
- Structure the sections into a logical order;
- Kinds of storage available
- Rules for each of those kinds of storage in turn
- Rules for disposing of unclaimed or lost property
- Generally remove places where "The Chair and X committee members" can grant exceptions to requirements, replacing these with "where approved by the committee". Now that we have online-only motions, it is just as fast and easy for the full committee to vote on such matters.
- Individual member storage no longer specifically mentions a 150 litre size for storage space. (Lockers aren't 150 L.)
- Additional storage - changed "payable from the start of the member's next membership period" to "paid in advance". Avoids an edge case for a member who pays yearly membership.
- Define the exact process we use to tell a member to remove their stuff (a Direction to remove property) and use that process in every place where we will tell a member to remove their stuff.
- Todo: Reference this from the standard form of "Equipment loan agreement".
- New process provides for us to send a member's stuff to them at their cost.
- New process provides for us to recover the cost of disposing of stuff if needed. (e.g. A member leaves an entire skip load of material in the space, or a member leaves dangerous goods in their storage locker.)
- New process allows for us to dispose of things immediately if they are a danger to safety and health. (e.g. improperly stored batteries, e.g. leaking chemicals.)