Previous meeting: 2025-02-15
Next meeting: NNNN-NN-NN
Scheduled start: 2025-03-22, 13:30
The table of contents on the left side of the page forms the agenda of this meeting. Agenda must be set 48 hours before start of committee meeting.
Apologies: NAMES
Absent: NAMES
Observing: NAMES
Minute taker: NAME
Chair: NAME
Quorum present (4 committee members): YES/NO
Previous meeting's minutes: 2025-02-15
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
MOTION TEXT | MOVER | SECONDER | Accepted/Rejected |
Fletcher - band membership phase out to band subscription. - Website side in progress
❓ Spondy and Fletcher - Sheet storage audit is due - Not actioned
Renae and Fletcher - finish writing induction checklists - In progress but we sometimes gain tools faster than we can write inductions for them
Fletcher - investigate what happens if we withdraw from our Meetup subscription - We have decided to go on with it.
❓ Renae, Ben, Lewis, Fletcher - draft proposal for revised payment authorisations policy - On hold - Remains on hold
Renae/Fletcher - Forward a copy of the fully executed lease to Lewis for our files.
JC - advise band reps of committee discussion and highlight that same rules apply as rest of Artifactory. Keep it clean and tidy. Complete
Fletcher - discuss PA cabling with Aaron's band. Completed by JC
Renae - reach out to Bunnings rep to confirm next Bunnings event at Easter. Completed by Fletcher, events are up on our calendar
Fletcher - reach out to a refridgeration mechanic and find out pricing to inspect the vending machine. Fletcher will then raise an online motion to approve the cost.
Renae - detail how the volunteering tokens system would be regulated procedurally. Raise in Loomio.
Fletcher - detail physical implementation of the volunteering tokens section (or delegate to another).
Lewis - Amend the Dangerous Projects policy to insert a record keeping requirement Complete
Lewis - Dangerous Projects policy - Update wiki Fletcher completed
Joshua / Fletcher - Dangerous Projects policy - Update website Complete
Fletcher - Dangerous Projects policy - Announce to membership Complete
Fletcher - Dangerous Projects policy - Check in with event hosts Complete
Lewis - Day pass project restrictions - Update wiki
Joshua/Fletcher - Day pass project restrictions - Update website Complete
Fletcher - Day pass project restrictions - Announce to membership Complete
Fletcher - Day pass project restrictions - Check in with event hosts Complete
Lewis - Vehicle fitout restrictions - Draft bylaw for consideration by committee
Lewis - Vehicle fitout restrictions - Update wiki
Joshua/Fletcher - Vehicle fitout restrictions - Update website Complete
Fletcher - Vehicle fitout restrictions - Announce to membership Complete
Fletcher - Vehicle fitout restrictions - Check in with event hosts Complete
Note to the secretary (delete after reading)
This section requires manual preparation before the meeting.
As per our bylaw on online motions,
The details of each online motion must be recorded in the minutes of the next committee meeting. The details recorded must include:
- The full text of the online motion; and
- The result of the online motion, e.g. passed, failed, lapsed, or withdrawn.
You can get the text and results of online motions by copy pasting out of Loomio.
Also note that the start of a committee meeting causes all outstanding online motions to lapse.
Date raised | Date completed | Motion text | Outcome |
XXXX.XX.XX | XXXX.XX.XX | The text of the motion | Passed/Rejected/Lapsed |
Note to the Secretary (delete after reading)
Record any documents that the Association has executed since the last committee meeting.
Note the requirements of s66 of the Constitution regarding who can execute documents on behalf of the Association.
The Treasurer's Disclaimer: The numbers below have been calculated in a quick way and have not undergone robust checking as for an Annual Report.
Note to the secretary (delete after reading)
This section requires manual preparation before the meeting.
Login to our online banking (NAB) and report on the balance of our 3 main bank accounts as at the end date of the previous month
Account - as at End of Month | Balance |
Operations | $xxx,xxx.xx |
Sponsored Memberships | $xxx,xxx.xx |
Secure Account | $xxx,xxx.xx |
TOTAL | $xxx,xxx.xx |
Date | Cost | Supplier | Item | Category | Authorisation |
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Accept Expenses as reported above | MOVER | SECONDER | Accepted/Rejected |
Total Due -
Total Overdue -
Total in Fund | $ xx,xxx.xx |
Donations Received | $ xx,xxx.xx |
Donation Matching | $ xx,xxx.xx |
------------------------------------------ | ------------ |
Expense | -$ xx,xxx.xx |
Note to the secretary (delete after reading)
Populate using information from Artifactory Reports - Membership Numbers.
Class | This month | Prev month | Diff |
Full | xxx | xxx | +xx |
Concession | xxx | xxx | +xx |
Band | xxx | xxx | +xx |
TOTAL | xxx | xxx | +xx |
Note to the secretary (delete after reading)
Populate using information from Artifactory Reports - Members awaiting approval.
After the meeting, go into TidyHQ and mark the members as approved.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Accept the membership applications listed above | MOVER | SECONDER | Accepted/Rejected |
Reports to be emailed in for review of committee when officer does not attend meeting.
Updates from subcommittees - discussions or requests for action.
News and discussions on events.
* Denotes run by non-members
(new and once off events)
Other business (items not covered by regular meeting sections) may be added to this section until the notice of the committee meeting is given to the committee members, 48 hours before the meeting.
Urgent business that has not been described in the notice may be conducted at the meeting if the committee members at the meeting unanimously agree to treat that business as urgent.
Refer s43 of the constitution regarding Notice of committee meetings.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
MOTION TEXT | MOVER | SECONDER | Accepted/Rejected |
Action Items | Who |
do/buy/make/implement the thing. By xx/xx/2020 | John |
update website/wiki/TidyHQ/bylaws/etc | Jane |
Inform | Jed |
Remember to set next meeting time before closing meeting!
Also update the pinned message in #committee to say the date of the next meeting.
Minutes: NNNN-NN-NN