We classify our tools into three levels based on the potential risk to people and property. You can check which category a tool is in by -
You can check whether you're an authorised operator for specific medium and high risk tools by using the Training Tracker bot in Slack, or by checking the appropriate Authorised Operator List.
If we notice you using a tool inappropriately, we’ll still ask you to pause your job and help you identify a safer method.
You can self assess your competency on these tools and use them if you feel comfortable. Feel free to have a go and if you're not sure you can always ask for help. Even though these tools are low risk you should still be vigilant about safety.
These tools can easily hurt you, others, or the tool. To use these tools you must either complete a short induction with one of our authorised trainers or demonstrate to them that you can use this tool safely.
These tools can cause serious injury, are easy to damage, or both. An induction is required before using these tools. You must go through the Artifactory’s training on high risk tools, even if you have used similar (or identical) tools elsewhere. Only specific people are authorised to train on specific high risk tools.
You can request training in the #training-and-inductions channel on Slack. Some training for medium risk tools can be conducted ad hoc at the discretion of an authorised trainer. However, most training needs to be booked in advance through Slack. Training for some of our high risk tools represents a significant time investment for our volunteers, and as such is only available to members.
Training on certain high risk tools has an attached cost. Casual attendees who pay for training that is offered to members free of charge will have the training cost refunded if they join as a member within 7 days of completing their training.
Authorized operators may be required to undergo refresher training for a tool if -
The authority which sets the training requirements for the tool will determine if and when refresher training is required, on a risk assessment basis.
If an authorized operator needs refresher training, a reasonable notice period will be provided before their authorization expires.
Trainers are appointed, and training requirements are determined, by the following groups:
Trainers must disclose actual or potential conflicts of interest regarding their relationships with trainees.
Where an actual or potential conflict of interest exists, the outcome of the training must be endorsed by a third party.