This page lists by-laws relating to administrative matters.
By-laws are made by the committee, as allowed for by the Constitution, §65 By-laws.
In these by-laws, unless the contrary intention appears, all terms are as defined as in the Constitution, §1 Definitions.
Last modified at the committee meeting 2020-03-14.
The Committee allows the Treasurer to pay/reimburse for the following expenses without needing to seek committee approval. The Treasurer may defer reimbursements until a meeting of the Management Committee at their discretion.
- Lease, variable outgoings, and building bonds
- Fundraising Fridge/Kitchenette Supplies (sell-able items)
- Consumables for cleaning the Artifactory
- First Aid, Toiletry, Office and PPE supplies
- Utilities: Internet, welding gas, rubbish disposal, and electricity
- Materials and consumables for use by a subcommittee of the organisation provided that the total amount is less than $75 and the expense has been approved by the head of the relevant subcommittee.
- Bank fees, merchant fees, fees associated with maintaining the membership database/management, public building compliance costs, and event expenses associated with public building compliance
Refer to Asynchronous online-only motions.
Defined at committee meeting 30-01-2019.
- The Office bearers, Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Secretary Membership Officer and the associations Bank Signatory's are authorised to accept written notices of resignation under the constitution item 10 resignation
- The Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, Deputy Secretary and the associations Bank Signatory's are authorised to assist the Secretary with the maintaining of the register of members under the constitution item 13.1, 13.2 and 30.d
¶ Events and Workshops
Last modified at the committee meeting 30-01-2019.
- Any committee member may authorise a new workshop or event if
- it will bring in the day pass minimum rate per attendee (excluding members)
- does not require exclusive access of the Artifactory
- does not conflict with another event/workshop unless the Event Coordinators of the other Workshop sees no conflict
- will not conflict with persons using noisy tools
- will not hinder a band using the Rehearsal room.
- must be added to the Google calendar
- The Chair and any three other committee members reserve the right to waive the above rules if it is considered beneficial to the Artifactory to do so. The decision must be documented at the next regular committee meeting