Notice of annual general meeting 2023
Committee nomination form 2023
Online attendance will be facilitated by Google Meet.
Meeting ID
Phone Numbers
+61 2 9051 7401
PIN: 107 191 151#
Refer to: Learn what requirements you need to use Google Meet.
AGM must be held in accordance with Part 6 of the constitution regarding General meetings of association.
Attendees (ordinary Members):
(*) Member present, but did not have voting rights, as they were not an ordinary member at the time notice of the meeting was given. Refer constitution subrule 58.8.a.
Member | Member is not present at the meeting | Has current voting rights | Proxy | Proxy is present at the meeting | Proxy is a current ordinary member |
Bruce Chambers | Yes | Yes | Fletcher Boyd | Yes | Yes |
Johannes Chuah | Yes | Yes | Lewis Yip | Yes | Yes |
Niall Navin | Yes | Yes | Nick Bannon | Yes | Yes |
The Treasurer reports that 43 members are eligible to vote at this AGM.
The quorum for this meeting is 20% of 43 = 9 members.
20 members with voting rights in attendance. Quorum is met.
51.3.a. to confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting and of any special general meeting held since then if the minutes of that meeting have not yet been confirmed;
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Confirm the minutes of the previous annual general meeting, held 2022-09-17 | Ben Connor | Phoebe Harris | Accepted unanimously |
Confirm the minutes of the previous special general meeting, held 2023-03-04 | Renae Currie | Tegan Murphy | Accepted unanimously |
51.3.b. to receive and consider —
51.3.b.i. the committee’s annual report on the Association’s activities during the preceding financial year; and
51.3.b.ii. if the Association is a tier 1 association, the financial statements of the Association for the preceding financial year presented under Part 5 of the Act; and
51.3.b.iii. if the Association is a tier 2 association or a tier 3 association, the financial report of the Association for the preceding financial year presented under Part 5 of the Act;
51.3.b.iv. if required to be presented for consideration under Part 5 of the Act, a copy of the report of the review or auditor’s report on the financial statements or financial report;
The chairperson distributed copies of the report to those in attendance along with a PDF available online.
The chairperson made some general remarks.
The chairperson thanked all present for their support.
The treasurer made some general remarks about membership numbers and our financial statements.
The treasurer provided an update on our application for deductible gift recipient status and how this will improve our financial resources if successful.
The treasurer thanked all present for their support.
The chairperson thanked the team who worked on the deductible gift recipient application, including the constitution rewrite, applications to the ATO and ACNC, and new website.
The annual report was presented and gone through at a high level.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Accept the annual report | Doug Bateman | Beau Scott | Accepted unanimously |
Accept the financial statements | Phoebe Jean-Harris | Vincent Dalstra | Accepted unanimously |
51.3.c. to elect the committee members;
28.1. The committee must consist of at least 5 but not more than 10 committee members.
34.1. At the annual general meeting, the Association must decide by resolution the number
of committee members to hold office for the next year.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Set the number of committee members to 10 members | Beau Scott | Renae Currie | 1 proxy abstained. 1 proxy voted for 8. All others present agreed on 10. Motion passed. |
34.2. If the number of members nominating for committee membership is not greater than the number to be elected, the chairperson of the meeting —
34.2.a. must declare each of those members to be elected as commitee members; and
34.2.b. may call for further nominations from the ordinary members at the meeting to fill any positions remaining unfilled after the elections under rule 34.2.a.
The following people nominated for election to the committee -
Because the Association moved to set the number of commitee members to 10 members, all 8 nominees were automatically declared to be elected.
The chairperson of the meeting DID NOT call for further nominations from the ordinary members at the meeting.
The chairperson thanked outgoing committee members Vincent and Phoebe for their service.
51.3.d. if applicable, to appoint or remove a reviewer or auditor of the Association in accordance with the Act;
The treasurer proposed that we do not appoint an auditor under the Act.
The treasurer advised that we are looking to voluntarily undergo auditing in order to become eligible for grants and other assistance.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Appoint an auditor | No-one | No-one | Lapsed |
51.3.e. to confirm or vary the entrance fees, subscriptions and other amounts (if any) to be paid by members.
The fees are currently set at:
The chairperson commented that we propose to keep the fees the same, as we need more members and people are currently experiencing cost of living pressures.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Confirm the entrance fees, subscriptions, and other amounts (if any) to be paid by members, at the existing rates. | Beau Scott | Renae Currie | Accepted unanimously |
51.4. Any other business of which notice has been given in accordance with these rules may be conducted at the annual general meeting.
Explanation of proposed subrule 9.1.f
The existing subrule 9.1 lists five ways in which memberships end.
Most memberships end when the member resigns or stops paying the membership fees. However sponsored members never had any fees to pay, so their memberships technically never ended unless they resigned.
The proposed subrule 9.1.f. explicitly provides for free and sponsored memberships to end after a fixed term, as intended.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Alter subrule 9.1 of the constitution to insert a new clause 9.1.f, reading: "9.1.f. for a member who has been granted free or sponsored membership of the Association for a specific period - as soon as that period expires, unless the member has applied to continue their membership, and the committee has accepted that application, and the member has paid any membership fees payable to the Association under rule 12." | Steve Hodges | Renae Currie | Accepted by all except 1 abstention. Passed. |
Meeting concluded at 13:36 hrs.