These are the by-laws governing use of the rehearsal room.
By-laws are made by the committee, as allowed for rule 65 of the Constitution regarding By-laws.
The rehearsal room is a shared rehearsal space, mainly used by bands with band membership.
See (Areas - Rehearsal Room) for more information on the equipment available in the rehearsal room.
The rehearsal room is booked in sessions of up to 4 hours duration.
Ed: This was previously defined as "Generally a morning, an afternoon, or an evening."
Ed: There was a bylaw that limited sessions to 3 hours. Personally I don't see the harm in making it 4 hours.
Bookings for the rehearsal room must be made at least 48 hours in advance.
Bookings are made in a shared calendar.
The rehearsal room calendar is currently a Google Calendar.
Regular users of the rehearsal room make their own bookings in the calendar.
Casual or first-time users of the rehearsal room make their bookings via the rehearsal room coordinators.
Refer to Fees for Rehearsal Room Usage Fees.
Ed: Incorporate what is currently the "Rehearsal Room - Casual Usage" bylaw at .
The currently existing "Rehearsal Room - Casual Usage" by-law will be deleted when this new by-law is accepted.
The rehearsal room can be booked on a casual basis, subject to availability.
Casual users may make bookings by contacting either a) a rehearsal room coordinator, or b) a committee member.
Refer to Fees for Rehearsal Room Usage Fees applying to casual usage..
Use of the rehearsal room may be restricted during events which require background noise to be limited.
Such events will be marked in the booking calendar as either -
There is a publicly viewable calendar that shows both a) rehearsal room bookings and b) events occurring in the space. This calendar can be used to coordinate band room bookings and how they interact with other scheduled events.
A "quiet band" is broadly defined as: