Previous meeting: 2024-06-08
Next meeting: NNNN-NN-NN
Scheduled start: 2024-07-13, 13:00
The table of contents on the left side of the page forms the agenda of this meeting. Agenda must be set 48 hours before start of committee meeting.
Apologies: Nil
Absent: Nil
Observing: Nil
Minute taker: Lewis
Chair: JC
Quorum present (4 committee members): YES
Previous meeting's minutes: 2024-06-08
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Accept previous meeting minutes | Ben | JC | Accepted |
❌ Fletcher - band membership phase out to band subscription.
❌ Spondy and Fletcher - Sheet storage audit is due.
✅ Stand for A5 flyers for Women on the Tools and for the bar.
Renae and Fletcher - finish writing induction checklists.
✅ Ben - Grant research
✅ Lewis: review new member guide so it can be used as the basis for an in-person workshop induction.
✅ JC: Remind rehearsal room users to vaccuum
✅ Fletcher: price for replacement security camera
✅ Renae: Send Infrastructure Fund invoices / reciepts on 2024-06-15
✅ Lewis: Send Infrastructure Fund thanks / status update via #announcements
✅ Lewis: Call out for Supanova demo pieces. Direct offers to Jason.
❓ Lewis/Renae: Develop junior associate membership proposal further on Loomio. Consider contingencies. Risk assessment of individual children in a workshop environment. Review minors in the space protocol.
17 Loomio motions last month! The system works! 🎉
Date raised | Date completed | Motion text | Outcome |
2024-06-08 | 2024-06-11 | Approve $480 from Infrastructure Fund for purchase of 2 security cameras | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-13 | 2024-06-13 | Issue RFID key for member Ugo Gallet | Did not pass (Withdrawn) |
2024-06-13 | 2024-06-13 | Issue RFID key for member Joanna Coenen | Did not pass (Withdrawn) |
2024-06-14 | 2024-06-17 | Issue RFID key for member Daniel Boyd | Passed (6 in favour, 1 abstention - declared conflict of interest) |
2024-06-17 | 2024-06-20 | Approve $275 for purchase of room air filter for machine room | Passed (6 in favour, 1 abstention - declared conflict of interest) |
2024-06-17 | 2024-06-20 | Approve $222 for purchase of welding screens from the Infrastructure and Equipment Fund...) | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-19 | 2024-06-24 | Issue RFID key for member Chris Fisher | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-19 | 2024-06-23 | Issue RFID key for member Joanna Coenen | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-19 | 2024-06-23 | Issue RFID key for member Ugo Gallet | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-20 | 2024-06-23 | Issue RFID key for member David Bucur | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-20 | 2024-06-23 | Approve $179 for purchase of a 1.5x3 vinyl banner displaying our logo for use at external events etc from our general budget | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-20 | 2024-06-23 | Approve $284 for purchase of two pullup banners from our general fund | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-20 | 2024-06-20 | Approve up to $350 for purchase of 2500 double sided promotional flyers from our general fund. | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-22 | 2024-06-24 | Approve $200 for purchase of wood materials to produce items for sale at Supanova from the General Fund | Passed (Unanimous) |
2024-06-28 | 2024-07-01 | Approve $160 for purchase of event lighting from the general fund | Passed (6 in favour, 1 did not participate) |
2024-07-01 | 2024-07-04 | Approve $64 for purchase of gyprock sheets and screws for reinstatement of machine room wall after router install from the General Fund | Passed (6 in favour, 1 did not participate) |
2024-07-08 | 2024-07-11 | Approve $117.40 for purchase of materials for machine room dust extraction boom from the General Fund | Passed (6 in favour, 1 did not participate) |
We recieved a complaint from a member regarding a committee member.
The committee will compose guidance to trainers on dealing with any possible perceived conflict of interest when training or assessing.
The committee will discuss and make a decision on how we ensure appropriate currency of training on all tools.
Item 1 has been discussed in Loomio. Final actions have not yet been agreed.
Item 2 - we will draft a proposal to address this in Loomio.
A member sustained a minor (first aid treatment) injury while using the drill press.
The Treasurer's Disclaimer: The numbers below have been calculated in a quick way and have not undergone robust checking as for an Annual Report.
Significant one-off income this month: Mainly infrastructure donations and Women's Woodworking Course fees.
Low membership income from last month recouped this month, natural variation due to due date being on month cutoff.
Reconciliation of accounts has started, hoping to complete before next month's meeting.
Supanova income will land in July's figures.
Balances as at 2024-07-11:
Account | Balance |
Operations | $16,339.78 |
Donations | $20,000.00 |
Sale Program | $0.00 |
Sponsored Student Memberships | $6,361.38 |
TOTAL | $42,701.16 |
Donations | $5,118.97 |
Membership | $5,936.35 |
Women's woodworking Course | $1,771.83 |
Drinks/Snacks | $775.75 |
Casual | $350.00 |
Tool Use | $107.50 |
Total Income | $15,397.97 |
Lease and running costs | $4,708.07 |
Equipment/Infrastructure | $1,515.26 |
Drinks/Snacks | $620.37 |
Fundraising Expenses | $794.17 |
Total Expenses | $8,019.07 |
NET INCOME (AUD) | $7,378.90 |
Intention is to include all expenses for the month to improve financial accountability.
Authorisations need to be updated, as they do not currently cover some situations where the money has been directly collected for that purpose. This includes Pledges and Talkshop event food. Discussion in general business.
It will take some time to calculate the money paid out in these categories, and a vote will be raised to cover it.
Please be careful to get the total amount right when raising pledges. You need to account for delivery fees, GST and any international transaction fees. TidyHQ fees can be accounted for separately under our general income.
Date | Amount | Supplier | Item | Authorisation | Category |
03/06/2024 | $37.51 | NAB | Bank Fees | Treasurer | Admin/Bank Fees / Electricity / Insurance / Internet / Waste |
04/06/2024 | $57.80 | Bunnings | Workshop consumables - disposable gloves, rags | Quartermaster? | Equipment |
04/06/2024 | $20.88 | Coles | Talkshop event food | Event - recouped | Event - Talkshop |
07/06/2024 | $2.00 | Anonymous | Eftpos transaction did not go through | Treasurer | SPACE CASH - Drinks/Snacks |
10/06/2024 | $330.45 | Adam's Bits | Mill Bits | Pledged ($320) Penny's donation used to cover difference |
Equipment |
10/06/2024 | $221.46 | eBay | Welding screen | Loomio 20/6/2024 ($222) | Equipment |
11/06/2024 | $504.81 | Costco | Drinks | Quartermaster | SPACE CASH - Drinks/Snacks |
11/06/2024 | $85.95 | Fletcher Boyd | Card used in error - Fletcher noticed and repaid immediately | Treasurer | Misc |
12/06/2024 | $79.20 | Carbatec | Metal detector | Committee meeting 6/8/2024 ($80) | Equipment |
12/06/2024 | $23.00 | Coles | Talkshop event food | Event - recouped | Event - Talkshop |
13/06/2024 | $4,350.50 | Prime Property Agency Pty Ltd | Rent | Treasurer | Lease+Variable Outgoings |
13/06/2024 | $46.10 | Bunnings | Brooms | Committee meeting 06/08/2024 ($50) | SubC Infrastructure - Expenses |
17/06/2024 | $119.00 | Pentanet | Internet | Treasurer | Admin/Bank Fees / Electricity / Insurance / Internet / Waste |
20/06/2024 | $275.00 | Marketplace | Room Air Filter | Loomio 20/6/2024 ($275) | Equipment |
24/06/2024 | $298.39 | Vistaprint | Flyers | Loomio 20/6/2024 ($350) | SubC Promotions - Fundraising Expenses |
24/06/2024 | $179.00 | Officeworks | Banner | Loomio 23/6/2024 ($179) | SubC Promotions - Fundraising Expenses |
24/06/2024 | $99.48 | Bunnings | Wood for sale items | Loomio 22/6/2024 ($200) | SubC Promotions - Fundraising Expenses |
24/06/2024 | $6.25 | Bunnings | Tap aerator | Committee meeting 6/8/2024 ($10) | Equipment |
24/06/2024 | $31.80 | Coles | Talkshop event food | Event - recouped | Event - Talkshop |
26/06/2024 | $194.00 | Officeworks | Pull-up banners | Loomio 20/6/2024 ($194) | SubC Promotions - Fundraising Expenses |
27/06/2024 | $167.20 | Instant Waste | Skip bin | Treasurer | Admin/Bank Fees / Electricity / Insurance / Internet / Waste |
27/06/2024 | $23.30 | Bunnings | Wood for sale items | Loomio 22/6/2024 ($100.52) | SubC Promotions - Fundraising Expenses |
28/06/2024 | $499.00 | JB Hifi | Design lab TV | Pledged ($499) | Equipment |
28/06/2024 | $33.86 | NAB | Bank Fees | Treasurer | Admin/Bank Fees / Electricity / Insurance / Internet / Waste |
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
MOTION TEXT | MOVER | SECONDER | Accepted/Rejected |
$5,650 Outstanding (not including pledged donations)
$3,280 Overdue Invoices (not including pledged donations) (down from $5,865 last month)
Thank you to those who helped negotiate with long-standing members.
Continuing significant efforts to communicate with members who do not pay their invoices on time, explaining the cost of volunteer time in following them up.
The new member induction will start helping next month.
Concern that new members are not always being invoiced for their second month in a timely manner.
Class | This month | Last month | Diff |
Full | 54 | 52 | +2 |
Concession | 35 | 32 | +3 |
Band | 3 | 3 | - |
TOTAL | 92 | 87 | +5 |
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Approve all new memberships above | Lewis | Renae | Accepted/Rejected |
Reports to be emailed in for review of committee when officer does not attend meeting.
Updates from subcommittees - discussions or requests for action.
🟡 Continuing beam alignment issues with Big Red.
🟢 Blake has ordered:
🟡 Yet to specify / order:
🟢 Thank you Spondy for design work on a full suite of advertising materials ahead of Supanova.
🟢 Advertising materials (pull-up banners, flyers, banners, etc) are now available for all events we attend, which will greatly increase our visual presence at events.
🟡 Spondy to email Vistaprint re flyers
🟡 Meetup cost rising from $165/6 mo to $265/6 mo.
Ben moves a motion of thanks and Fletcher seconds. Thank you Adam! 💖
🟢 CNC router moved into machine room
🟢 New bandsaw moved into machine room
News and discussions on events.
* Denotes run by non-members
General Hacking Day (Coordinator: Committee) -
Open Day (Coordinator: Fletcher) -
Metal Monday (Coordinator: Ben) -
Wednesday Woodworking (Coordinator: Renae) -
See Supanova, below
JC is running a soldering course trial this afternoon.
Other business (items not covered by regular meeting sections) may be added to this section until the notice of the committee meeting is given to the committee members, 48 hours before the meeting.
Urgent business that has not been described in the notice may be conducted at the meeting if the committee members at the meeting unanimously agree to treat that business as urgent.
Refer s43 of the constitution regarding Notice of committee meetings.
Discussion in Slack #virtual-upcycle-bench.
Variety of suggestions including -
Inspiration from elsewhere:
We are already seeing a significant increase in the money going through our accounts since our DGR approval, I want us to hold ourselves to a high standard of financial accountability.
The current authorisations are insufficient to effectively meet our responsibilities.
The current authority bylaw is "Artifactory Expenses".
The Committee allows the Treasurer to pay/reimburse for the following expenses without needing to seek committee approval. The Treasurer may defer reimbursements until a meeting of the Management Committee at their discretion.
Our subcommittees do not operate or report the same way they did when the bylaw is drafted.
We need to decide on authorisation procedure for Pledges and Talkshop food.
Loomio is working well for voting, looking to output a report on expenditure authorisations.
Are we happy with giving retrospective approval? Seems like it is overused at the moment.
Consider issuing Eftpos cards to more officebearers to avoid money going directly from Artifactory to committee members (bad look). How would we manage this?
➡️ Interested - Renae, Ben, Lewis, Fletcher. They will discuss and come up with a proposal.
Propose to have our AGM on Saturday 14th September 2024
Consider proposing a change to casual / day pass rates. Feedback from casual userse is that we are provide more value than $15/visit.
No changes to constitution seem required at this time.
Consider doing something special after the AGM for our 15th birthday.
Motion Text | Moved by | Seconded by | Status |
Set date and time for Annual General Meeting to 1pm on Saturday 14th September 2024 | Lewis | Renae | Accepted |
We must hold our AGM within 3 months of the end of our financial year i.e. by 30th Sept.
If we are proposing a special resolution we must send out the AGM notice 21 days before the AGM.
We must call for nominations to the committee at least 21 days before the AGM.
Remember to set next meeting time before closing meeting!
Also update the pinned message in #committee to say the date of the next meeting.
Minutes: NNNN-NN-NN
Fletcher - band membership phase out to band subscription.
Spondy and Fletcher - Sheet storage audit is due.
Renae and Fletcher - finish writing induction checklists.
Finalise policy / guidance with regards to conflict of interest for trainers
Draft proposal regarding tool training refresher policy
Restock the first aid cabinet
Spondy - email Vistaprint re flyers
Fletcher - investigate what happens if we withdraw from our Meetup subscription
Fletcher and Ben - Test Swarf-XL and start coming up with training materials
Renae and Fletcher - discuss training / policy changes requried for new bandsaw
JC - Contact PLUG event hosts regarding event host responsibilities
JC and Ben - discuss Metal Monday ideas
✅ Spondy - add PCBWay sponsor logo to website
Loomio for Upcycle rack management
Renae, Ben, Lewis, Fletcher - draft proposal for revised payment authorisations policy
Lewis - prepare drafts of notifications for AGM
Lewis - Draft the notices and forms for the AGM.
Lewis - Send out the notices and forms for the AGM no later than 5pm on Fri Aug 23rd.
All - upload photos for use in annual report
All - provide input to the draft words of the annual report