Name | Contact details on file in TidyHQ † |
Nick Bannon | Yes |
Blake Samuels | Yes |
Fletcher Boyd | Yes |
Thomas White (appointed 2023-07-28) | Yes |
† Section 58(2) of the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA) requires the Association to maintain a record of the names and addresses of the persons who "hold other offices of the association provided for by its rules", such as members of subcommittees.
The IT subcommittee can be contacted via the #it channel on Slack.
The Artifactory relies heavily on the IT Infrastructure to provide members with services and systems that benefit the purpose and management of the space.
The IT Committee is tasked to ensure that these services and systems maintain operational integrity and that the digital security and privacy of the Artifactory and its members are protected.
Our IT setup is currently documented on GitHub. Reach out to one of the subcommittee members or Slack (as above) if you're looking at setting something up etc.