This page gives guidance for how subcommittees should be run.
Refer to the subcommittees by-law for mandatory requirements.
Within their area of responsibility, and if it is within their terms of reference, the sub-committee will be the appropriate place for normal members to:
Any action taken by the subcommittee should be communicated to all members of the subcommittee.
Sub-committees should generally operate on a "plan" then "do" model which enables all members of the subcommittee to be aware of the plans before they are put into effect.
Membership of a sub-committee does not give individuals the freedom to act unilaterally. A sub-committee has been formed by the main committee to allow a team to work on a task.
The subcommittee should maintain public documentation for all things within their terms of reference.
Sub-committees should nominate a secretary to be responsible for minuting and reporting.
The subcommittee should be ready and willing to report the current status of any action they are undertaking to: